Professional Education
The Center for Community Health is committed to providing education to professionals in our community. Browse the listings below to find training and events with a focus on keeping our community safe.
Training and events
The following trainings can be provided in person upon request and staff availability. To make a request, contact
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) 101: This one hour training discusses the long term impact of ACEs on individuals and the community as well as considers strategies to prevent the impact of ACEs.
- Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs): This one hour training discusses PCEs and how they are important to the emotional and physical well-being of a child.
- Trauma Informed Care Training for Professionals: This three hour training is designed for individuals working with children who have experiences trauma and discusses the impact of trauma on the community, children and the brain and body and the principles of trauma informed care and reducing triggers.
- From chaos to calm: Trauma informed principles for supporting youth mental wellness: This one hour training for professionals discusses the impact of trauma on the brain and body, techniques for strengthening the caregiver/ child relationship, how to utilize coping skills for regulating emotions and applying tools for fostering child mental wellness.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) 101: LIVE
60 mins. (Virtual - Live)
This live training hosted via zoom will define what Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are and identify key terms related to ACEs. Viewers will understand the long term impact of ACEs on individuals and the community as well as consider strategies to prevent the impact of ACEs. Additionally, the trainer will illustrate the difference between ACEs and Positive Childhood Experiences while also having the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
Child Abuse and Neglect 101
25 mins. (Virtual - Recording)
This educational video, presented by the Child Protective Services (CPS) Liaison at Cook Children’s Medical Center, is available for community professionals. This training will define types of child abuse and neglect and how to recognize the signs, as well as the process for reporting suspected abuse and what to expect from CPS after a report is made.
The Current Status of Child Abuse and Neglect in Texas
19 mins. (Virtual - Recording)
This educational video, presented by the Child Protective Services (CPS) Liaison at Cook Children’s Medical Center, is available for community professionals. This training will identify the goals of CPS and Child Protective Investigations (CPI) in Texas as well as discuss current data related to child abuse and neglect and the process and requirements for reporting suspicions of abuse.
Importance of Positive Childhood Experiences | For Providers || ACEs
30 min. (Virtual - Recording)
This is a short training developed for providers working with children and their caregivers to discuss Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs), how important they are to the emotional and physical well-being, and also provide examples of how to nurture PCEs in the classroom or child-care setting.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) 101
40 mins. (Virtual - Recording)
This recorded training will define what Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are and identify key terms related to ACEs. Viewers will understand the long term impact of ACEs on individuals and the community as well as consider strategies to prevent the impact of ACEs. Additionally, the trainer will illustrate the difference between ACEs and Positive Childhood Experiences.
Spring 2025 Asthma 411 School Health Staff In-Service: Recognizing Asthma Emergencies
Live event: February 17, 2025 10:00AM-11:30AM CST
Learning Objectives:Examine case studies that recognize asthma emergencies, identify potential triggers for asthma emergencies within school environments and describe an asthma action plan for school use.
Navigating Treatments| Asthma 411 | Asthma
1 Hour (Virtual- Recording)
An annual educational event for those participating in Asthma 411. Learning objectives: Describe how to administer common asthma medications to children and adolescents. Demonstrate proper use of inhalers and spacers for asthma treatment. Identify at least 3 techniques and coping strategies to increase student compliance and cooperation during pediatric medication administration.
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Asthma 411: School Health Staff In-Service- Mild, moderate, severe asthma: A guide to decision making for school health staff in the school environment
1 Hour (Virtual- Recording)
An annual educational event for those participating in Asthma 411. Learning objectives: identify the common symptoms and treatments of asthma in school age children and adolescents, identify the asthma triggers present in school environment, understand how to follow the physician's orders contained in an Asthma Action Plan, as well as provide proper care for a student having an emergency asthma exacerbation.
Asthma 411: How COVID-19 has impacted kids with asthma and their families
1 Hour (Virtual- Zoom -Recording)
An annual educational event for those participating in Asthma 411. Learning objectives: Describe the COVID-19 pandemic's effect on asthma patients in Fort Worth. Identify red flags for students with asthma. Discuss communication between school nurses and primary care providers. Identify the importance of interprofessional collaboration amongst the healthcare team.
Asthma 411: Addressing Exercise Induced Asthma
1.5 Hour (Virtual- Zoom-Recording)
An annual educational event for those participating in Asthma 411. Learning objectives: Identify signs and symptoms of respiratory distress in asthma. Discuss asthma 411 standing delegation order algorithm. Understand pulse oximetry and the pathophysiology of hypoxemia in asthma.
The following trainings can be provided in person upon request and staff availability. To make a request, contact
- Question Persuade Refer (QPR) Gatekeeper Training: Participants trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and hot to question, persuade and refer someone for help.
- Trauma Informed Care Training for Professionals: This three hour training is designed for individuals working with children who have experiences trauma and discusses the impact of trauma on the community, children and the brain and body and the principles of trauma informed care and reducing triggers.
- From chaos to calm: Trauma informed principles for supporting youth mental wellness: This one hour training for professionals discusses the impact of trauma on the brain and body, techniques for strengthening the caregiver/ child relationship, how to utilize coping skills for regulating emotions and applying tools for fostering child mental wellness.
Media use and access for youth: Navigating the good, bad, and ugly sides of internet, social media and gaming
Live event: February 7, 2025 9AM-12:30PM CST
Learning objectives: Describe current trends for children’s use of apps, games, social media, and/or internet use, explain 1-2 research based guidelines for internet safety, identify 1-2 strategies to provide limits and/or support around developmentally appropriate media exposure, identify 1-2 risks associated to children having early pornography exposure and describe signs and symptoms of adolescent pornography addiction
Disordered Eating in Youth: signs, symptoms, and support
3.5 hours (Virtual-Zoom)
Learning objectives: Describe characteristics of disorded eating behaviors, describe current trends occuring in youth displaying disordered eating, summarize differences between disordered eating and eating disorders, identify at least (2) evidence based interventions to use with children/teens displaying disordered eating behaviors.
Download PDF Watch Video Continuing Education
Dysregulated Youth: Supporting and understanding challenging emotions and behaviors
3.5 hours (Virtual-Zoom)
Learning objectives: Describe behavioral and emotional characteristics of dysregulation, summarize understanding of diagnosis associated with high levels of dysregulation, identify at least (2) evidence based interventions to use with children/teens displaying dysregulation, describe at least (2) parenting strategies to support parents who have a highly dysregulated child/adolescent, and identify when higher levels of care may be appropriate.
Download PDF Watch Video Continuing Education
Anxiety: Cultivating supportive strategies for children and youth
3.5 hours (Virtual-Zoom)
Learning objectives: Describe current research on anxiety in youth, identify at least 3 supportive strategies to reduce anxious symptoms in the home and/or school setting, summarize understanding of differential diagnoses and co-occurring issues and challenges in youth presenting with anxiety symptoms and describe at least 1-2 self-care strategies to aid in reducing burn-out for caregivers and professionals.
Watch video Download PDF Continuing Education
Suicidal Ideation: Cultivating supportive strategies for children and youth
3 hours (Virtual-Zoom)
Learning objectives: Describe the current research on suicidality, recognize the signs and symptoms of depression and risk factors for suicidality, define the steps to assess risk of harm and identify appropriate levels of treatment, describe at least 3 interventions for children/adolescents with suicidal ideation and summarize trauma informed strategies to build a culture of support.
Watch video Download PDF Continuing Education
Substance Use: Cultivating supportive strategies for children and youth
3.5 hours (Virtual-Zoom)
Learning objectives: Identify at least 3 reasons children and youth might use substances, describe at least 3 interventions for children / adolescents experiencing substance use and explore the various perspectives to build a supportive culture for students and families experiencing substance use.
Watch video Download PDF Continuing Education
Autism: A Spectrum of Support
4 hours
Learning objectives include: Gaining an understanding of what autism is and who the diagnosis impacts; identify and describe definitions and terminology associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder; gain understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnostic criteria; identify characteristics associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder; identify presentation of symptoms across settings and to define Neurodiversity and understand the Neuro-affirming lens.
Axles of Anxiety: Who, What, Why
5 hours
Learning objectives: identifying the different types of anxiety experienced and how it presents in children and teens; identify at least 3 ways media contributes to anxiety; and describe at least 3 coping strategies parents and professionals can use to help reduce anxiety in children and teens. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Building Resiliency Against Adverse Childhood Experiences
3 hours
Learning objectives: gaining knowledge about ACES and how it affects people in diverse populations; identify two ways to practice resiliency in everyday life. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth, Recognizing and Responding: Denton County Strategy
4 hours (Virtual - Zoom)
Learning objectives include: identify at least 3 stakeholders involved in the Denton County Protocol for Care Coordination of CSEY victims; gain understanding of the CSE-IT tool and training and how it is used to identify victims and refer for services; recognize signs of complex traumas and appropriate interventions; identify risk factors for male victims of sex trafficking; recognize the impact of victimization on CSEY victims. Target audience: professionals
Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth, Recognizing and Responding: Empowering Youth & Families
5 hours
Learning objectives: recognizing how developments in social media are affecting youth; identify ways to support and build resiliency in the LGBTQ+ population; identify the importance of how effective communication between adults and youth help prevent early childhood abuse; and describe ways to identify and respond to youth at risk of sexual exploitation. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth, Recognizing and Responding: Texas’ Holistic Strategy
5 hours
Learning objectives: being able to identify specific risk behaviors of Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY); learners will review the State’s comprehensive holistic public health approach to address CSEY; learners will identify specific stakeholders involved in a multi-disciplinary approach to coordinated care for victims of CSEY in Denton County; learners will describe the specialized role of CSEY Advocates; learners will be identify specific further opportunities for training and engagement as well as reporting mechanisms for suspected CSEY. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Compassion and Empathy: A Response to Bullying
3.5 hours
Learning objectives: recognizing the different types of bullying experienced by children and teens; explore the perspectives of schools and community organizations as they work to address bullying; describe at least 3 strategies parents and professionals can use to promote empathy and compassion in youth; and improve services for children and families through collaboration and resource sharing amongst professionals, families, and the community. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Encapsulated: The link between substance use disorders & mental health
3 hours( Virtual-Zoom)
Learning objectives include: recognize at least 3 ways a co-occurrence of mental health illness and a substance use disorder can impact the type of interventions provided to children and families; and describe at least 3 strategies parents & professionals can use to help children who have parents with a substance use disorder. Target audience: professionals
Flipping Our Lens on Youth Challenges: Real Problems, Real Solutions
3.5 hours
Learning objectives: exploring the intersectionality of technology and pop culture influences on depression, self-harm, and suicide in youth; describe the effects of technology and social media on children and teens' brain, social, and emotional development based on current research; discuss the stressors and challenges today's youth experience from the perspectives of local teens; and describe three strategies to develop positive coping skills to build social and emotional capacity in youth. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Recovery after the Chaos: Empowering the Community to Take Back What COVID Stole
3 hours
Learning objectives: recognizing how the power of relationship building can help families with traumatic experiences; describe at least 3 strategies parents and professionals can use to improve self-regulation and promote resiliency; recognize the impact of COVID-19 within the family system. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Responding to COVID-19 as a Community
3 hours
Learning objectives include: explain the benefits, pitfalls, and dangers of the increased utilization of the internet; describe at least three coping skills community members can use to respond to the stresses of COVID-19; and describe how mindfulness can be utilized practically to reduce stress. Target audience: professionals
Together for Youth Mental Health & Wellness in Denton County, Part I
4 hours
Learning objectives: summarizing the value of collaboration when addressing children’s mental health needs as a community; identify behavioral health needs at Juvenile Probation and programs available to Denton County youth; explain at least two wellness strategies mental health providers can employ to practice self-care. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Together for Youth Mental Health & Wellness in Denton County, Part II
3 hours
Learning objectives: identifying what is meant when the term neurodivergence is used; describe how to use de-escalation tools with neurodivergent populations; recognize the connection between mental health and physical health. The target audience for this presentation is mental health professionals.
Ask the Docs | Do No Harm, Ethic, Myths & Business: Care During Pregnancy
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 1-hour recorded session for medical/dental professionals. Viewers will be able to explain ethical dilemmas related to delaying treatment, discuss the myths dentists have about treating pregnant people, recognize why timely treatment is good for business, as well as identify and manage potential medical and dental risk. Tony Bertolino Law Firm:
Ask the Docs | Do No Harm, Ethic, Myths & Business
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 1-hour recorded session for medical/dental professionals. Viewers will be able to explain ethical dilemmas related to delaying treatment, discuss the myths dentists have about treating pregnant people, recognize why timely treatment is good for business, as well as identify and manage potential medical and dental risk. Tony Bertolino Law Firm:
Ask the Docs| Who Do You Call? Making the Referral Connection
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 1-hour recorded session for medical/dental professionals. Viewers will be able to identify when to refer pregnant people to a medical or dental provider, establish referral workflow (who, what, when, how), create a referral list, formal collaborations and networks as well as recognize ways to improve the referral process (designated person, info to include, follow-up, track and support patients).
Ask the Docs| Maternal Depression: Signs, Facts & Symptoms
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 1-hour recorded session for medical/dental professionals. Viewers will be able to describe the connection between mental health, oral health and overall health, recognize depression and the role dental and medical providers play, assess maternal mental health, and identify where to go for resources.
Ask the Docs| Transitioning from Adolescent to Adult Medical & Dental Health Care
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 1-hour recorded session for medical/dental professionals. Viewers will be able to identify issues pregnant teens face, the importance of engaging adolescents in their medical and oral health journey before, during and after pregnancy, strategies for supporting pregnant teens as they transition from pediatric to adult medical and dental care, and providing information on doctor/teen confidential consult, rights of minors, parental consent.
Ask the Docs | Importance of Oral Health During Pregnancy
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 1-hour recorded session for medical/dental professionals. Viewers will be able to discuss the link between oral health and overall health during pregnancy and how a mother's oral health can impact their child.
Ask the Docs | Safety of Dental Treatment and COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
Safety of Dental Treatment and COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy will explore: Safety of routine dental care for pregnant patients including use of X-rays, pain medications, and local anesthesia. Questions about the COVID-19 virus and vaccines.
Train the Trainer Session 1: Oral Health Matters for Moms-to-Be
2 hours (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 2-hour recorded training for professionals in the community who would like to know more about oral health, safety of care during pregnancy, how to identify the signs of tooth decay, and the importance of coordinating care for pregnant teens and women early to keep mom and baby healthy.
Train the Trainer Session 2: Growing Cavity Free Kids
2.5 hours (Virtual - Recording)
This is a 2-hour recorded training for professionals in the community who would like to connect oral health with overall health by deepening their understanding and skills about oral health and its importance and connection to overall health, identifying early signs of tooth decay, risk and preventive factors, and sharing tips and resources with parents.
Delta-8 Discussion
1 hour (Virtual - Recording)
A virtual presentation from Dr. Shaker of the North Texas Poison Center to discuss Delta-8. Delta-8 is a trending topic in our community right now due to the legal standing of it throughout the state. As access to this product becomes more readily available, the chance for a poisoning can occur. The password to view this videos is: Poison1222